Monday, August 8, 2011

You can't go back to London Above. Richard.

 Then he sent Brother Fuliginous and Brother Tenebrae (who had been pushing the marquis's wheelchair) out of the room
 Then he sent Brother Fuliginous and Brother Tenebrae (who had been pushing the marquis's wheelchair) out of the room. it seemed to Richard that that bench was one of the most desirable objects he had ever seen. Ruislip stared angrily at the Fop. Then the oldest rook cawed at Old Bailey. then shrugged. followed her. everything is very cold. There were broken spears. So far. at any rate. He unstrapped the watch and dropped it into the nearest garbage can. "You can't just go running off like that. "She said to tell you that she wants you to accompany her home--wherever that is--and to fix her up with a bodyguard."  There was a pause. Richard ran with her. "Did I tell you this already?"  "Yes." said Mr. He ran as fast as he could. _There are hundreds of people in this other London. You _are_ with the media?"  "You're looking very fine. You're right. Old Bailey scratched his nose. she pulled back. _Father?_ she asks. You ever eaten rook?" Richard shook his head. and then. .

 Her breath did not steam. Then he said it again.  A large black rat crawled out through a ripped air-vent cover. We'll do you all right. and nervous. He walked toward the angel. roasting small animals on spits.  "Travelling with a rat-speaker.  "Sometimes. Vandemar. warily. He. He wiped the water from his eyes and shivered with cold. much worse. Nobody asked him for a ticket on the way out. but he could no more fight with it than he could jump across the Thames. he would undress. and felt the solid structure beneath him. outlining the place his fingers had been. Croup. He asked the driver to take him to his office. "how many things with angels on them are there here?"It was early evening. "The Lord Portico was my father. B. being played a dozen different ways on a score of different instruments. several floors below. .

 The British Museum was on the other side of some high. He handed it to Dunnikin."  "Slowing up. . There were other places where Varney had cached weapons and food. He wondered if the painters were a race of subterranean Neanderthal pygmies. and the sewage works. "She has taken note of your concern ." he told her." said the woman."  Jessica looked down at him. We want to hurt you both.  Richard was beginning to suspect that they were quite lost. okay?"  Richard inspected his feet. thirty.  "Maybe. it became more real. "Right. "Richard Mayhew. yes. more recently. Dunnikin. The audience muttered appreciatively. Now apologize to the gentleman. like a man in a trance. Um. We got 'em.

  "I wish we'd stayed back with the bodyguard" said Richard. without humor. We might want to hurry. I am commencing to have certain conceptual problems with the role of myself and my partner in these shenanigans. he was unable to talk." she said. They passed a stretch of tall. and he turned to his partner for approval."  Hunter ran her hand through her hair. and walked over to a small rock shelf.  There was broken glass there. and water dripped from the ceiling. "I'm really sorry. Lord Rat-speaker. cheerfully. Croup's head: Varney flung himself down. that she is taking moments and conversations and lessons from over a dozen years and is compressing them into one lesson. like the maddened growling of a thousand enraged beasts. and put it down here too. It was what she had told him to do. "Well. and he panted. He stared at the marquis as the penny dropped. and she closed the door quietly behind her. 'Oh look.  "They call themselves Velvets. _On Friday I had a job.

 Richard blinked." said the speaker. Croup. The marquis reached for it. peering through the dim light." said the camel-hair coat. until it found the next rung. Door turned up the collar of her leather jacket and thrust her hands deep into the pockets.  "It _is_ here. The bell he had heard was now tolling deeply and continually. "  She looked disappointed. seethed for a moment. pathetically scared of the bridge itself."  "Then why did you have us killed?"  "Not all of you. Croup. Richard found himself. "I want my life back." said a female voice." said Door. and freezing. Had you thought of trying out for the task?" Mr. happily. cold and inert and heavy. Croup looked down at the telephone. He had the strange feeling that if he looked down at his fingers he would be able to see the wine glowing through them." said Old Bailey. and it had once sat on the top of Richard's computer screen.

" he said. but it would fail to give the full picture.  "I'll see you there. fast and wicked. Then she did the only thing she could think of. said. mildly. Mister Croup. flatly. then Varney's the master of it. "I saved _his_ life three times today." She let him go. . standing beside her. almost regretfully. with a fierce squeal from the rusted hinges.  The marquis raised an eyebrow: he was detached._  It was a small statue of a boar. Mr. and the girl had been appropriately grateful. traveling west to east. and I'll come by day to your cavern. closed down ten years earlier because of National Health Service budget cutbacks. with surprise. He ran the other hand across his face. And Jessica saw in Richard an enormous amount of potential. They were smoke-blackened relics of the late twenties or the early thirties.

"  The Lord Rat-speaker nodded." she told him. into the mouthpiece.  Richard jogged up that road. going where I'm told." The girl stared up at the old man. He was a crazy homeless person. and it began to spit out dozens of Cadbury's Fruit and Nut chocolate bars. Croup was more relieved than he would have admitted to be through the labyrinth. "Of course. Why. curtly. and went back the way they had come; a silent procession deep beneath the world. "The market's special." said Richard. twisting it as he did so with implements Richard assumed. Then. he was talking to himself; and it was time that he listened. with a Brie and fennel sandwich and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. abandoned and lonely. said._ thought Richard." she wailed. high on the wall. as my payment. then down some stone steps. he said.

 somebody with a camera isn't about to leap out from behind a screen or something and tell me I'm on _Candid Camera_?"  "I sincerely hope not. WE KNOWS IT." said Door. There are only three of us. And then daylight hit his face.  Lamia ran a cold finger down his cheek. staring. muttering things like "Just tell me when it's over. Croup returned. Hammersmith and Shepherd's Bush to the west. wished it looked more like Tom Cruise's. It blinked its pearl gray eyes. The cab driver accused Richard of "taking the Mickey. And she remains the light and love of my life." She let him go. he would marry the girl from Computer Services. Vandemar. up several flights of back stairs. slowly. to comfort and reassure her. squeeing and chittering. inhume. should use the elevator. The day's catch so far consisted of two odd gloves. "There's been no one since Hunter who'd even have a chance."  The earl brightened at this. And we don't want to have to hurt you.

  "Home. the frailty of all mortals born to suffer and to die. "Who are you? Who do you owe fealty to?"  The woman smiled. this was one oddity too many. a whisper so faint he thought for a moment he had imagined it." she told him. Richard had an intense feeling of _d??j?? vu." said the angel."  She shut the grille behind her. . now. You got the key for us. Varney?" asked Mr. He felt odd: detached. as. "Why not?"  Her face changed." corrected Mr. It was Door talking."  "Former glories. . "I'm a guide. grabbing the thick rope straps that hung from the ceiling as she went. and the girl from Computer Services helped him carry them from the bar back to their table. You _are_ working for me. He was a huge Rastafarian who looked like nothing so much as an obese and enormous baby. like the only sane person in a madhouse." Varney began to laugh: a manic giggle.

  There was broken glass there. but she now had a certain amount of freedom of movement. "The last time it happened was about three hundred years ago. helpfully."  "Don't exaggerate. although he soon found that he had stopped buying newspapers to read on his journey in the morning and the evening. and he ran and splashed down the tunnel until he caught up with them. A rook cawed maliciously. It did this reverently." It was the kind of "morning" that implied that the speaker really did not care if the recipient lived or died--nor indeed." he confided. "Well. sat down.  "Hang on. "I'll open your door." For a moment he thought she was about to hit him. See you on Monday. And then. it was gone forever. in a low voice. "Jessica--Jess. turning it over and over in his hands. Then he pondered Mr. standing stock-still beside a wall. Discreet concealed lights illuminated the outside of the high white Victorian building." said the angel. Her hair was piled on her head.

 There were also several mattresses. like a man smelling something odd or unpleasant. using his knife--Hunter's knife--as a letter-opener. no rat-speakers. "Being a guide. lost in a labyrinth." it said to Richard.  "You're awake.  The Lord Rat-speaker remained unmoved." he confided. Richard got onto the train.  "Please. Halfway across space and time. cheerfully. the more substantial sandwiches were wrapped in paper napkins and placed into her pockets. . as he did so. sensible Richard Mayhew-- was telling him how ridiculous he was being: that he should just have called the police. .  Richard crouched down." said Gary." said Door. and that. followed by the marquis de Carabas. to Mr. standing just in front of him. Croup ran a grimy hand through his filthy orange hair.

" There were now more than a dozen of the fur-trimmed people standing around them. and then the black dot. and vast. " . "there _are_ some things rats _can't_ do. mm . "Ur Hello."  The new apartment was much nicer than the one he had left behind."  Mr. gray and empty and unwanted. and the spear; instead he looked like a recently retired minor official who had. I think my poor Portia and your brother and sister are dead.  "Bad news?" asked the girl. and private the links until he'd finished dictating." said Richard." hissed the man."  "But millions of people were killed."  "That's good. to keep her balance."  Richard turned on the marquis. he seized a small. . She settled herself on his sofa and opened the book. and you and your companions will face some very real difficulties." he added. up in front of Richard's face."  "But you have to.

  The iron-haired woman running the next food stall he approached did not reach to Richard's waist." she said. several chairs. "They say. cudgels. Richard had encountered a rat in a ditch by the side of the road. Then she blew out the candle." she said. no job."  "And we'll hurt you. whitely: a gleaming grin.  It lowered its massive head." he said. "Can you ."  "Ah. Meat. insincerely. more or less innocently. However. because he was cold and naked and scared. It made him feel _happy. the weasel is reaching out a forepaw toward her. lost in the old fog of the world beneath the world. . a cunning strategist." And then he realized how true that was; and how dreadful a thing it had become. And then he tiptoed out of his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

 and scanned it." whimpered Richard politely. and over our sister. in the dark. a little shyly; she stepped into the shadows. "I don't know what you lot are all looking at. . Her father had found it when he was younger. His head brushed the roof of the carriage. He wore a ragged T-shirt and oil-stained blue jeans. for the third time that evening. rewrote it in huge letters in red ink. . in 1858. nuncle. The creature is extinct in the world above. . down an old iron staircase."  "Why ." she said. and from side to side. and raised its head. and her nose was red. Then it stood up. and smiled enormously. . Door hesitated for a moment.

 which grumbled and fidgeted in his grasp and pecked ineffectively at his fingers. Twentieth-century telecommunications technology not being his strongest point. probably end up reminding him of the dinner he had failed to attend on Friday night. and the hesitant rustling noises of a person in the same room he was in. She said nothing more. missing wings and limbs and. Easy. Vapor came from her mouth. Richard wondered if the bottle was made of glass; it refracted and reflected the candlelight so strangely. utterly overwhelmed--and. as if it were pushing into warm bubble gum. Then he caught sight of Door. and vanished into the sewers. and--" Door was disappearing into the darkness above him. He's a bit _late.  She licked her lips." said Hammersmith." lied Clarence. who appeared to be some kind of majordomo. Now."  Richard edged over." said Richard. but it smiled. then he pressed a button under his desk. "Get down. Right now. I don't dare leave here.

 in front of the door. "that you could enter Serpentine's house without Serpentine knowing. in a low voice.  Door sighed. due to what Gary persisted in describing as a slight misunderstanding (he had thought she would be rather more understanding about his sleeping with her best friend than she had in fact turned out to be)." he said. "I got rooks and ravens. a lonely mausoleum of a place. She was standing in the shadows. "Now we're getting greedy. Croup and Mr. "It wasn't the real key.  The iron-haired woman running the next food stall he approached did not reach to Richard's waist. and vast. "Unless this is more of the ordeal. Diversify."  There was a movement in the shadows at the edge of the platform. There was something in his voice that might have been awe. as his eyes accustomed themselves to the darkness that surrounded them. God." "Ya-ta-ta-da-da-ta-ta-ya.  Richard and Hunter and Door pushed their way through the crowds on the deck." said Hunter. and he wiped it on his leather apron. "A bit shaky." said Hunter. rotating slowly on its thread.

" it said. "I said you'd laugh. fine. the ugly and distinctive sixties skyscraper that marks the eastern end of Oxford Street. "is for me to know and him to wonder. "I'm sorry. Someone's teeth had been sharpened to points. slowly. What is it?" she added. She'll be at the market tonight and--" His mouth tightened. Croup picked up the earpiece. to the remains of the crowd. I was wondering."  It was late afternoon in Central London. and then she began to talk." said Mr. She had felt guilty and stupid ever since she saw Richard. and the hesitant rustling noises of a person in the same room he was in." gurned Old Bailey with a grin that was most terrible to behold."  Suddenly the girl's eyes opened. Stand behind me here. and he put it into the cash machine."  "What do you want us to do?" asked Richard. . and she broke the connection." she said. "I've just changed.

" He nodded. then said it._ and he sniffed. and touched his single remaining manacle. Instead. " She reached out a grubby hand. but very pure. and touched his single remaining manacle. he was. in the absence of a canary. "What kind of a name is Door. too. the black animal figure he had taken from Portico's study. to lie down. "_  Jessica snatched a glass of champagne from a passing tray. "You're from London Above. "By the bye. "Richard. " . hyperventilating. although he knew it was a bad idea. thought Richard; a huge stone bridge spanning out over a vast black chasm. Croup and Mr. At last. in his head or out of it. Richard found himself remembering a theatrical performance of _Robinson Crusoe_ he had been taken to as a child: this was what Robinson Crusoe might have looked like. and was certainly going somewhere.

" _Hunter will look after you as long as you stay in London Below. They went through the Egyptian rooms. "Ah well. He untied the body from the carriage wheels and laid it gently out on its back. It had rained while they had been at the market.  "Excuse me." he said. He could accept "Mind the Gap" and the Earl's Court. "Well caught. It was like all his dreams. "What?" said the smiling Mr. no problem." More gray pigeons strutted over to peck at the fragments of bread and shrimp. Jess. lowered them into the clear water. accompanied by a woman bravely wearing a mink coat. an' things. Clarence came back in. "Goodnight. Um. I told my aunt. as he'd often tell the birds. There was no longer a feather by the curb. "there's others could get the body. in the heart of the rush hour. "I didn't?" he said.  "Slower.

 has turned his head. He found the box with his clothes in it. "Stop! Watch out!"  Door turned. . Quiet. and dropping the bits of twisted metal onto the floor.  And it would not be a bad life. He wiped the water from his eyes and shivered with cold. Richard noticed after a while that he did not seem to be starring to walk across the wooden plank. "Mind the Gap. He was unsure how long they had been walking through the underplaces and the dark." he said." Door put her left hand on the boarded-up door. "Don't say another word. It's not as sticky." boomed the recorded voice again." he rasped in her ear. "But I am an angel. as if he was unsure what had attracted his attention." he said. I'm a very busy man." she added.  Jessica sighed. Me to you. and beech trees. he said to himself. "I'm Door.

 and. and I'm walking around a couple of hundred feet under the streets of London with the projected life expectancy of a suicidal fruit fly.  The abbot cleared his throat. in the open air. Richard was relieved. "Richard?"  "Mm." said Richard. that he'd soon be feeling better; someone to give him an aspirin and a glass of water. a half-empty bottle of shampoo. He grabbed it.  One of the women picked up Hunter's body; the other pulled the spear from the carcass of the Beast and put it over her shoulder. until he returns it to our keeping. And thank you again. . "He is _not_ coming with us. strange. every inch Lord Portico's oldest daughter. In a couple of days we'll be killing each other for food. Then he muttered.  The wind ripped feathers from Old Bailey's coat and blew them away. We're going to be late. girl. Maybe he was the one who was going mad." And. all the city's detritus blew up from the ground and was driven through the air. One night in December the beast runned away. Ordeal.

 the city trembled; fires started near the great amphitheater and spread. And you had nothing to do with it?"  It was as if the lid had been pulled off something dark and writhing: a place of derangement and fury and utter viciousness; and. . and give me the key. Thanks. He had lank. "What about you?"  "Well." he cluttered. which is how the Sewer Folk wait." said Richard. She pulled up the sewer cover."  Richard wondered if he should kiss her." said the chairman of the Arts Council."_ He made a noise then--the _cuck-koo cuck-koo_ that a cuckoo might make. a golden-furred rat with copper-colored eyes. What was it the bard said?" And then he recited. and he was sweating.  The growling was the roar of traffic. ." boomed the earl."  Mr. thoughtfully. Vandemar. a handful of leeches and chirurgeons . snorts once. He was astonished that they were still under London: he was half-convinced that they had walked most of the way to Wales. maybe.

" said Door politely." Richard said. "Then. and stopped. For a long moment nothing happened. we who live below and between. the last smoking a cigar). Door."  "Good at hurting people. and then he was lying. . We find the Angelus."  "But you have to. It was unquestionably the most horrible thing that Richard had ever seen." Richard whispered to Door. Vandemar had found half a shrimp and lettuce sandwich in a garbage can. less than fifty--every one of them shoving and pushing. Weathered gargoyles."  The girl's face was crusted with dirt."  And he walked away." she said." he shouted."  "You are Richard Mayhew. dramatically.  "You didn't have to do that. each dress as dark as night. even if one did.

 while Mr. looking self-conscious and ill at ease. copper-colored bugles stepped off the train and onto the platform. sane.  "I'll see you there. His face oozed like warm Silly Putty. Vandemar fashioned the rings he wears on his right hand out of the skulls of four ravens. "Do I believe it? I don't know anymore. sat down in the middle of the bench. as if it had heard neither of them. Richard put Hunter's knife on the mantelpiece. ." she said." she said. _Everything will be all right." muttered Hunter. loud enough that it could be heard easily over the noise of the train. No hand touched them; no fires touched their wicks. for the wilderness of Thailand has retreated deep beneath the ground. large cars were drawing up. But you aren't even very convincing: you don't really look like me." said Richard. the one who had lived in what was now the Buchanans' home." he confided.  A man scuttled toward them. please. as he ran.

"  "Old Bailey." he said. Thirty-five minutes had passed since he had fled the hospital cellar. Richard imagined he could hear voices: a horde of huge. "My name is Richard Mayhew. But there could be a way that we can learn: a key to all of our problems. fairly meaningfully. "On the shoes. There were streetlights too. slowly. The earl clambered to his feet when he saw them.  "Jessica. and choked. its headlights were turned off." he said to the stunned guard. with regret. and a dark shape larger than a mouse scurried out from the mess of videotapes beneath the television. Mr.  "What does it look like I'm trying to do?" she snapped back. Also. patting the wolfhound and scratching it underneath the chin. Normally that would hardly have given her pause. displaying a vast and ratty expanse of piebald tongue. "He's a worthless. and there were dark semicircles beneath her eyes. "Go near him again. There was a fluttering in the half-dark.

 . then the door slammed behind them and Richard stood in the hallway of what used to be his apartment. Lady Door. I just decided to take matters into my own hands. This was." he observed. "I told you. with a terrible feeling of despair spreading outward from his heart. The people in the dinner jackets they had lined up with. "Richard. And you've been wonderful. upset and confused and angry. he's not. "They do look rather trendoid. "Here you go. stiff angels and amiable angels. His mouth opened. Because I wanted to be the one to kill the Beast. We wait. hoarsely and perhaps a little sadly. not unpleasantly. The honeysuckle and the lily of the valley wrapped around him. and spoke into the mouthpiece. he said I should come to you." said the marquis. He pushed her toward Richard. "it was fun.

 He closed his eyes: it made no difference to what he saw or felt. Stockton pulled the rope. Up. damp strips. and opened her mouth once more. and walked over to a small rock shelf. and winced.  "Please. skittering over shadows."  Hunter raised a perfect eyebrow. Best of luck. There are others who want the situation to worsen. And to get to the place it'll be tonight .  "I hope so. The bead had been part of Anaesthesia's necklace. who was admiring an extremely large and historically important diamond. and she brushed the dust of the floor from her leather leggings. "Please. and a particularly vicious tornado." she continued.  A gruffer. "I know you are all very busy people.  "Down Street._  "No." she said. "You can't go back to London Above. Richard.

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