Monday, November 8, 2010

Lose 9 Pounds in 11 Days With the Idiot Proof Diet !

Author:佚名 Source:none Hits:112 UpdateTime:2008-10-19 0:57:54

Want to lose 9 pounds in 11 days or every 11 days? Well, The Idiot Proof Diet (aka Fat Loss 4 Idiots) claims you can lose 9 pounds in 11 days!

Now this is a big claim, but when you look at The Idiot Proof Diet plan - you can lose 9 pounds or more, but not necessarily in 11 days. Some people have lost 9 pounds in 11 days, some people have lost weight in general. So lets look at the strong and weak points :

The Strong Points About The Idiot Proof Diet

* It is not about starving your body to the point of ZERO calories;
* It encourages you to eat FOUR square meals a day - the aim here is reduce the risk of cravings. If you're not aware, it's the cravings that adds the inches to your waistline!
* It loads up your meals with fiber, protein, lean meat and complex carbs - now this is what you need to fuel your body. In other words the foods are healthy.
* The Idiot Proof Diet does not starve you of your favorite foods. In fact, after 11 days you get to eat whatever you like - pizza, ice cream, burgers,etc. Now this is a great way to keep you motivated and more importantly enjoy food - and enjoy life!

The Weak Points About The Idiot Proof Diet is

* Not enough emphasis on the most effective exercise. Although The Idiot Proof Diet book does encourage you to move more - it doesn't explore this subject enough. To really lose 9 pounds in 11 days, you have to huff and puff. And the best combination is to use Interval Training with Strength Training;
* The hype - 'Lose 9 Pounds in 11 Days or Every 11 Days' - whatever ... Please ignore this - you may or may not lose 9 pounds in 11 days. What works for some people, may not work for others. But my bet is, if you just focus on improving your health with The Idiot Proof Diet - long term, not only will you lose 9 pounds and more, you'll keep the pounds off. And besides it is just not being realistic to lose 9 pounds in or every 11 days;
* The Diet itself probably needs a healthy snack or two in between the meals to curb (if any) onset of cravings;

If you really want to lose 9 pounds in 11 days, I cannot guarantee that. But The Idiot Proof Diet is a great learning tool for anyone looking to improve their eating habits, their health - and lose 9 pounds or more.

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